18 Dec 2007 Pre-2014 Releases

The Licensing Committee of the British Horseracing Authority met today to consider Fergal Lynch’s application for a jockey’s licence. Following a hearing lasting approximately two hours, the Committee decided to grant the application. The licence will be issued today and is valid until March 17, the date of annual renewal for all Flat jockeys’ licenses.

Paul Struthers, PR Manager, said:

“The Licensing Committee made it clear to Fergal Lynch that its role was not to consider any disciplinary matters that may or may not follow the City of London trial – they are matters for consideration by the Disciplinary Panel in due course once the review of the evidence relating to the trial is complete.

“However, the Committee did need to consider whether Fergal Lynch was a suitable person to hold a licence, particularly when considered in the context of some of the admissions made in court by Fergal Lynch’s Counsel.

“The Committee did question Fergal Lynch about these matters but, in light of the ongoing review of evidence being undertaken by the Legal Department, the time elapsed since the events raised in court took place and having highlighted to Fergal Lynch the relevant Rules of Racing, including the new Inside Information rules, the Committee decided to grant Fergal Lynch a licence.

“This licence will be issued today although we understand that Fergal Lynch does not intend to ride in this country for a couple of weeks.”

Tuesday 18th December 2007