04 Nov 2008 Pre-2014 Releases

Dean McKeown – Withdrawal of Licence

Following the decision of the Southwell Stewards on 4th November 2008 that Dean McKeown was in breach of Rule 157 for his ride on RASCAL IN THE MIX (USA) in the Book Your Christmas Party Here Maiden Auction Stakes, and in light of the recent decision of the Authority’s Disciplinary Panel to declare him a disqualified person for four years, the Authority has taken immediate action to protect the integrity of Racing.

Under Rule 1A 2(iv)(a)2, the Authority has withdrawn McKeown’s licence to ride with immediate effect.

The betting patterns on the Southwell race are now the subject of an investigation by our Integrity Services department.

For further information, please contact Paul Struthers, 07966 590105

Notes for Editors:

A. The action has been taken under the following rule

Rule 2 (iv) (a) reads as follows:
2. (iv) The BHA additionally have power to withdraw or suspend a licence or permit if in their opinion: 1. such action is considered necessary in the interests of racing pending the outcome of an ongoing investigation or process (whether or not undertaken by the BHA); or 2. any other good cause is shown.

B. Penalties / Appeals

Under Rule 2 (viii) a decision to withdraw or suspend a licence or permit for a period of 3 months or more or to declare a person a Disqualified Person shall take effect on the day after the announcement of the decision unless and subject to such conditions as the BHA or the Appeal Board shall otherwise direct.

In the recent case of McKeown and Paul Blockley, the Panel directed that ‘the penalties to take effect after the Panel have given full reasons and the period for appealing has lapsed’. It is for this reason that McKeown has been riding and Blockley has been running horses. These written reasons for penalty are still awaited.

C. McKeown / Blockley Case

The Disciplinary Panel’s findings can be found here:

D. Southwell Stewards Findings

Attached as a pdf.